The LAC is responsible for budgeting and planning the Annual Conference. Committee members continue to serve throughout the conference assisting members as needed.
The goal of the Member Services Committee is to find ways to better enhance membership opportunities for NACRAO members. We strive to serve members through recruiting new members and promoting NACRAO through marketing efforts, partnering with other committees to offer workshops or bringing in special guest speakers, coordinating campus visits, fostering relationships with high school counselors and other organizations, conducting membership surveys and listening to member needs, and researching and disseminating information on current topics in higher education. The committee is also responsible for securing promotional items, and maintaining the Membership Directory and listserv members.
Nominations and Elections
The committee shall be responsible for presenting to the membership a slate of officers; president-elect, vice-presidents, secretary, and treasurer, at the annual meeting for election for the coming year. The committee shall further be responsible for the election and election procedures for the coming year. The committee shall be chaired by the immediate past president and consist of one past president, the president-elect, and one non-officer voting representative.
Professional Development – Admissions
The main event that this committee organizes is the Admissions' Summer Institute (ASI). The Admissions Summer Institute is typically held in July and is designed to be a comprehensive orientation and training for new professionals presented by veteran NACRAO counselors. This committee will also be responsible for submitting at least one proposal to the LAC of interest to admissions professionals for the Annual Conference.
Professional Development – Registrars
The purpose of this committee is to provide an opportunity for Registrars' Professional Development by meeting for at least one day-long workshop covering topics that are timely and will improve the skills of those in the profession. This committee will also provide assistance to the LAC by recommending and/or developing sessions of interest to registrars for the Annual Conference.
The Recognition committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for and evaluating candidates for the various NACRAO awards. Any individuals or organizations which meet the standards are recommended to the NACRAO Board of Directors for approval. Those approved NACRAO awards are presented at the Annual Conference. Current NACRAO awards and the criteria to be considered are here.
Technology & Social Media
The Technology & Social Media Committee shall address issues and foster awareness for advancements in technology and social media related to the mission of the colleges and universities in the NACRAO membership. They are also charged with the creation and upkeep of the NACRAO website. This committee will work closely with Heartland Hosting to make sure the web is accurate, up-to-date, and most importantly, the main source of communication for this organization. The technology committee also maintains the NACRAO social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter. No knowledge of web-development is necessary to serve on this committee.